Feel Stuck? Move in!
This is my view this morning. I’m on Manitoulin Island to visit and hear my sister and her partner play a chamber music concert tonight. It’s a full house at my Mom’s place so I’m staying at the neighbours.
I used to just live out of my suitcase when I was staying somewhere for a few nights but as I train deeper in space clearing I’ve started letting myself be inspired by my friend Tracey Stanton, who is an amazing space clearer.
Tracey once shared with me that even if she’s only staying somewhere for one night she totally unpacks and moves in.
So when I arrived on Wednesday evening before going to bed I hung up all my clothes, unpacked my toiletries and lined them up on the vanity and the shower ledge. Once unpacked, and with the permission of my hosts, I did a little space clearing to set the space so I would feel at home for my three night stay.
I find this concept of unpacking and moving in to be so important is all areas of my life.
In my last relationship I never let myself move in completely.
I did on the outside, we lived together and all of our physical boxes where unpacked and moved in but our emotional ones weren’t. Although we were together for almost 10 years there was always a feeling for both of us of having one foot in and one foot out.
We didn’t allow ourselves to be ALL IN.
It’s a funny thing because sometimes we don’t let ourselves be ALL IN because we’re afraid that we’re going to get stuck, when in fact the opposite happens.
We get stuck because we don’t let ourselves be ALL IN.
I’ve seen this so many times with clients. The client moves into an apartment they think is temporary so they don’t totally unpack, they don’t totally move in.
Five years later they’re surrounded by unpacked boxes, still in the basement apartment or living with their parents, because it’s only temporary.
This happens with jobs too. You get into a job you see as a stepping stone or temporary so you don’t really give it your all. It’s not forever. But then 10 years later the temporary job is your career and you’ve spent the last 8 years wondering when you might leave.
If you recognize yourself in these stories in your home, your job or your relationship, I invite you to unpack and move in completely.
ESPECIALLY if you really want to move on but feel stuck.
My ex and I finally totally committed and “moved in” during the last three months of our relationship. It may seem backwards but after we decided to break up we stayed living together for another 2.5 months and during that time we put all of our vulnerabilities on the table and healed so many of the pains that had been unspoken in our relationship.
The last three months of our relationship were the best, most honest three months that we spent together and I feel so grateful that we gave ourselves the gift of moving in together completely before moving apart.
Where do you have unpacked boxes in your life? Where do you have one foot in and one foot out? How can you move into this moment of your life even more?
Because it’s not about how long your stay, it’s about how much you let yourself be there. 100%
If you’re not where you want to be, move in, not because you’re settling but because you deserve to feel at home exactly where you are right now even if it’s not perfect.
Lots of Love,
p.s. Need some help unpacking? I’m looking for 2 seriously motivated awesome people to join my one on one online Clutter Coaching program. If you’re curious send me an email and we’ll set up a time to chat.
p.p.s. It’s a new moon today so it’s a great day to clean your space, unpack some boxes and set some intentions!